Thursday, April 28, 2011


Relating back to the movie Gattaca, Vincent was an abnormal child who was categorized as a less than suitable given his genetic make up. He was an underclass human who was only useful for menial jobs, such as cleaning bathrooms. Growing up he believed that his brother antwon was better and different from him and antwon kept putting that in his head to bring him down. Vincent dreamed was to travel to the stars. But having the identity of himself was going to stop that dream. His brother antwon would always tell him he would never make it up there. Vincent wanted to prove everyone wrong. He became Jerome Morrow who is able to go into space but cannot because he can’t walk. Through out the movie Vincent uses Jerome DNA to be able to be scheduled to go into space. But then once again his brother try to destroy that dream and accuses antwon for commenting a murder. Towards the end Vincent realizes that he is better then his brother when his brother needs to be rescue after swimming out too far.
The views of anna offer the man on the moon the goal of the American’s to be the first to say they were the first to put the people on the moon and that they were better than there others. The madness was them believing that it was a god giving talent and that it was the right thing to do. Relating to real life god creates everyone differently. Some are born normal and some are born with special dieses that cause them not to be able to communicate or to be as active as the other person.

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