Monday, May 2, 2011

Blog 13 Draft of Archives Project Essay

Samantha McCarthy




Planned Shrinkage
During the 1970s New York City was a place of housing were they called it “planned shrinkage”. This crime was brought about by roger star deciding to financially ailing New York City to gradually reduced in blighted areas from where residents were moving out in droves. Neighborhoods for the south Bronx and Brownsville were under construction. Certain places like Harlem and Brooklyn where people consider there home at the time had the most crime and poverty rate. The idea of it most was spending unappriate money and services on areas that have been thinned out. The city was losing almost about 1% of its population a year and has lost 400,000 persons since the 1970s. Star said that" suppose we lose two million people... and we could unless the job climate improves... then we must confine our services,"


  1. As you already know who I am, there's no need for introduction.
    Based from reading this,the majority of the questions weren't answered for the conspicuous reasons being that this draft is still in the process of being completed.In regards to the questions answered,only questions 1-3 were.
    Aside from that, there are some grammatical errors as well as punctuation.Also you should give quote to the context that isn't in your ownership such as
    "his crime was brought about by roger star deciding to financially ailing New York City to gradually reduced in blighted areas from where residents were moving out in droves." That's actually from the Daily News in March of 1976 or 71.Please be careful when quoting and so forth.That could and would be considered as plagiarism.
    Well I bid you good luck with the essay.I hope this becomes of significant use for you.

  2. I was a bit lost with the introduction of the essay I know that it is a work in progress, but you stated that Plant shrinkage was a crime, when it was just a policy or theory introduced by Roger Starr to develop impoverished neighborhoods by forcing the tenants out. There should be an emphasis also on the personal views of Roger Starr. Good luck on the rest of your paper.
