Wednesday, March 16, 2011

The Allegory of the Cave

The allegory of the cave was between a professor name socarates and his student Glaucon.They talk how "far nature is enlightend or unenlightned".To be enlightened meant you believed in The truth with facts and to be unenlightned meant you heard the facts but no matter what,You wasn't going To change your mind you stick to one conclusion.Most people would rather live not knowing the truth, then to fear the reality and have to face it. In the story socates gave glacun an example of human beings who lived underground since there childhood and there legs and neck chained stoping them from seeing nothing but a low wall built along the way and a distant fire with shadows of the puppets.socrates was basically trying to say that the "men could only see what they were allowed to see "which was shadows and that was what they beleieved in.

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