Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Blog #4 A time in human history

During the time of 1898 a drug called Heroin was made by Bayer Company in Germany. People used this illegal drug as a cough medicine and a pain killer. They thought it was help them with their morphine addiction. Until twelve years later doctors realized it became the opposite, an addictive drug, which was either smoked or injected into a muscle to get feeling of being calm and relax which meant high. Some people consider it to be an illegal drug in some countries but also consider taken it for a medical purpose. No matter what the affect were like. After finding out facts that indeed heroin could cause so many different illness and problems in your body people were already used to taking it that it was so hard to stop, even if they wanted to because there were so additive. Sometimes they would even overdose like take to much that they would start to become very sick and catch different dieses and sometimes even die.

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