Thursday, March 17, 2011

Blog #3 What i used to believe in ..

Some time during my childhood I used to believe in a lot of crazy stuff:

1.I used to believe in Santa Clause and stay up all night waiting for him to come until one day I caught my mother wrapping my gifts and putting them underneath the tree at minute to 12.

2.The Easter bunny was real and that he came alive on Easter day only

3.I used to think all boys had cuddies and I would stay far from them in school.

4.I used to think all Haitian do voodoo and were evil. Until one day I meet really nice Haitian boy that change my whole view about them.

5.The boogie monster underneath my bed or in my closet would come out and eat me. But then I was cleaning out my closet and I realize there was know one in there and it was just my imagine nations.

6.I used to think tweet bird was a girl until my older cousin went online and looked tweet up on who played his voice and it was indeed a boy.

7.I used to think my friend Ashley was my cousin because we were so close until my mom and I had a conversation and I realize that we weren’t related in any way.

1 comment:

  1. #7 is interesting--many people call friends the family you choose, and it seems you had done that in your mind with your friend.
